When we talk about love sure you already know. But in this case is different from the passion of love, you know. Because of the nature of love is the scatter grace of Allah SWT.cara membuat email
As quoted from mediammc.wordpress.com, when the jet inside a man will develop into two, namely love in general (muhabbah) as well as the special love (romance).
Well this love also includes aspects of hablum minallah hablum hablum sera. However, for romance itself only takes the form of interaction with the opposite sex only. When we speak more broadly about love will be related to the tendency of a man which is within the personality of angels and demons, so that we can focus on the study of love romance funds in four degrees of love, namely:
Holy love, a love that is closer to Alllah with evidence of good deeds. Well this is the real nature of the word love.
Original love, a love which is evidenced by the good deeds, but we need to defend the sanctity of its intention to be really sincere for Allah.
False love, a love that is not followed by good deeds, even in this case tends to worldly.
Love Lust is lust turbulence is believed to be in love. It merupak trickery of the demons that lead us away from God.peluang usaha
management of love
we must make for our business Catan (image: Google)
Now that we we're farthest into kebajakn devil studded with lust then we need a special management called the management of love (Tanzhimul Mahabbah) or abbreviated as MC.
Well MC does not contain the name of the spiritual management of the complex, but only adheres to the practical guidance so that everyone can practice it.
MC for the primary purpose of this is to provide guidance to achieve welfare, happiness, love and salvation. For those reasons, this MC oblige themselves to lean on the referral of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
With the obligatory references we can memastika that the direction of the management's guidance does not deviate from the purpose and parcel of the love that comes from Allah SWT.bisnis rumahan
MC also not only provide a normative study of theory and motivation, more so MC is equipped with a Practical and Easy Method of Measuring Quality Love someone against something.
With the motede that will allow us to increase human resources at home, communities, organizations, and others. With megetahui the true nature of love we expected it would not be far from God and lost with the devil.
Well so was management articles tentng love, thank you for reading our article and hopefully last article can benefit us all. See you in the next article.