
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Peel Completed Entrepreneurial Management

It has been said of the first management is very important in running a business. With good management will make our business smoothly and benefit a lot.

As quoted from, keiwarusahan own history shows that entrepreneurs have common characteristics and beasal of the same class.

Of the UK industry came from the middle class and down. While in the US starting from the end of the 19th century, Heillbroroner argues that entrepreneurs are the children of parents who where in the financial condition sufficient, not poor or rich.usaha rumahan

In an entrepreneurial, wealth will only be relative. When we look there are entrepreneurs who have been successful but does not display sabagai the fancy, will tetpi some are not rich but has been living bermewahan only.

For that wealth is only depend on yourself. In the science of entrepreneurship only mengggariskan that attack baiak entrepreneurship which it is a person who does not show his pride at the time of success, and do not despair when it fails.

In Indonesia in the late 20th century this community has been receptive to wiarausaha as an alternative in their work. It began to be expressed to the new era, as the government began to realize that to advance the nation needs the involvement of the private community.

WED management
every advanced economies wiarausahawan (image: Google)

For that entrepreneurial start the campaign, in order to accommodate existing unemployment. Because when beheld jobs will not be able to accommodate them. We also know that any activity in competition take a concerted acumen.

It is also contained in entrepreneurial activity. In order to overcome this, entrepreneurs need to train the instinct wirausahaannya. The longer the animate world wiarausaha entrepreneurs, funding the longer the experience, it will be also increased katajaman entrepreneurial instincts.bisnis rumahan

As an entrepreneur must have the attitude of "different", and never terpanguruh other entrepreneurs, and no part meegejar existing trend. Here is the attitude that is needed in entrepreneurship.

1. Attitude
In this case hjangan fear of failure, and do not be arrogant if successful. And also jangn easily influenced by the trend make its own trend.

2. Leadership
Guidelines for a leader is "treat others as enterpreneurs want to be treated."peluang usaha

3. Procedures
The word is a translation from the management, which means processing. Everyone needs the management is not without heed status and job title.

4. Skills
In our entrepreneurial skills should be required to have in the field of entrepreneurship and management.

As for the characteristics of entrepreneurs are:

The desire to excel
Keinginnan to bertaggungjawab
Preferences in the medium risk
Perception of the likelihood of success
Stimulation by mutual
energetic activity
Orientation to the future
Skills in organizing
Attitude toward money
Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs to have a high spirit will give a pedoaman for self-analysis.cara membuat email

The ability to innovate
Tolerance for ambiguity
Desire remedy adapt
Having the ability in planning realistic
Leadership orientated exam
personal responsibility
Ability as organizer and administrator